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How To Get CCL Pain Relief For Dogs So They Can Stay Active!

How To Get CCL Pain Relief For Dogs So They Can Stay Active!

Anyone who has experienced an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injury knows the pain and frustration of being sidelined by a sudden twist or misstep.
Similarly, our canine companions are susceptible to comparable injuries, particularly during ‘cruciate season’, leading many owners desperate to find pain relief for dogs so their pet can get back to being active.

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Osteoarthritis in dogs

Osteoarthritis in dogs

As we age, our joints suffer from wear and tear – it's an inevitable part of the aging process and, while we can slow it down, it will eventually affect us all.   And dogs are no different; in fact, as they age around five to six times as fast as humans, that...

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An owners guide to hydrotherapy

An owners guide to hydrotherapy

You know what it’s like when your limbs are aching - a hot bath does the world of good. Well, that’s the principle, essentially, behind dog hydrotherapy.   Yes, it’s a bit more complicated logistically (very few people have a hydrotherapy pool in their home, for...

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Low impact exercises for dogs

Low impact exercises for dogs

Cruciate ligament injury in dogs is one of the most common injuries, and it’s often caused by exercise but most particularly rapid changes of direction at speed.   This type of damage is more likely to happen in the spring months, when a dog that has been used to...

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For Hydrotherapy, click here:

If you want to know more about how we can help, why not give us a call? Or, just click one the links below! We’re always excited to hear from you, and we cannot wait to give you the answers and results you both need. From all of us here at Butterwick Animal Rehab Clinic, we wish both you and your dog wellness, happiness, and joy, and we look forward to seeing both of you soon!

Enquire about getting started

We know you want the best of the best for your dog, and we also know you’re a busy person. If you want to get your dog back to being happier, healthier and doing what you both love and want to get booked in  – click on the  link below and fill out the short form for information about getting booked in and availability.

Enquire about free taster session

Not sure? No problem! Why not bring your dog in for a free, non-obligatory session in which we see what’s wrong, what can be done so you have all the information you need and start getting both you and your dog feeling more optimistic about the future? We mean it – no fees, no obligation, nothing: all we want is to meet you and to say ‘hi’ to your best friend. Click the link below to get booked in, now.

Talk to a Vet Physiotherapist

We know how difficult it is to trust someone else when it comes to the health of your dog. It’s just so hard. So, that’s exactly why we also know how important it is for you to ask all the questions you have, find out all the answers you need, and for you and your dog to trust us. So, give us a call to chat to one of our Vet Physio. We’d love to meet you and find out more about how we can help your dog, right now, just click the link below.

Enquire about getting started

Apply for a free taster session

Talk to a Veterinary Physiotherapist by phone

Appointments and Questions Call  01325 802738 07741651000